Re: Platform Independant Cursors

On Tue, 1 Feb 2000, Chatragadda Sunil Kumar wrote:

>1. Is there any platform independant mechanisms to implement new CSS3
>   cursors. I mean to ask they should work on Windows as well as unix
>   flavours.

PNG would be favourite because of its support for true alpha channels.

It wouldn't work that well on platforms like Unix / X11R3 which don't
support cursors with more than one bit of transparency information.

>2. How about adding new cursors to IE5+ browsers with out access to the 
>   source code. Need to write a plug-in ?
>3. How to disable the system cursor and show my cursor as behavioral 
>   extensions to a structural element. My behavior is a dhtml component.

-- - +447980408788 - Tim Bannister

Received on Thursday, 3 February 2000 13:22:34 UTC