Re: text:align:justify

David Perrell writes:

 > >A div with width set to 40% will indeed be set relative to the viewport
 > Indeed?
 > Percentage widths are relative to the width of the containing block, which
 > in the case of DIV is not likely to extend the full width of the viewport.
 > If the DIV is a child of BODY and BODY is the root of the document tree, the
 > width of the containing block of the DIV will be equal to the width of the
 > viewport minus any horizontal margins, borders, and padding on BODY.


 > >... So the paragraph will inherit that value and (unless it sets its own
 > >width) will be the same width...
 > Is "inherit" an apt term for describing rules of containment? Width isn't
 > inherited. If the paragraph has margins, borders, or padding, its width will
 > not be the same as the parent DIV.

Correct. The top-down computation model for box sizes has some
similarities with inheritace, but I agree that the term "inherit"
should be reserved for properties which inherit.


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World     W      i     d     e       Web  Consortium

Received on Sunday, 15 February 1998 18:15:10 UTC