Re: Current Downloadable Font Status....

On Thu, 11 Sep 1997, Chris Lilley wrote:

> Catching up on mail after several weeks travelling ...

Doing the same :-(.

> On Aug 22, 11:59am, Martin J. Dürst wrote:

> > I guess we should go
> > one step further. What about adding some attributes to OBJECT, so
> > that we can say:
> >
> > <OBJECT PI-FONT="Bundesbahn" GLYPH-IDENTIFIER="47">Alt Gif goes here</OBJECT>
> Fine, but no need for extra new attributes. Object is a general scheme, it
> provides enough flexibility as it is.
> Re-casting your example as
> <OBJECT DATA="Bundesbahn" TYPE="application/font-tdpfr"
>  WIDTH="50" HEIGHT="60">
>      <P>Alt Gif goes here
> requires no new attributes and does the same thing.

Very nice! I mainly added the attribute names to make clear what they
mean, but using generic attributes is even better if they fit as
well as they do here.

> Alternatively
> <OBJECT DATA="Bundesbahn#47" TYPE="application/font-tdpfr"
>  WIDTH="50" HEIGHT="60">
>      <P>Alt Gif goes here

This looks even better!

> > For a font with only one glyph, GLYPH-IDENTIFIER could be left out.
> Yes, using the client-side specialiser # the default could clearly be
> "display the first glyph"

I'm not sure. What if you suddenly want to have a plugin that is a
font editor?

> > Probably we would also need a size attribute, but I guess the right
> > way to provide it, as well as other presentation attributes, would
> > be via style.
> The issue of inheriting style properties into an OBJECT is interesting
> and is currently being investigated at RAL.

Can you tell us what RAL means?

> > Chris, should I submit this proposal to the HTML WG?
> I don't think you need any HTML extensions to do this, just an
> implementation. Browsers which have already implemented WebFonts should
> find support for this fairly simple to add.

Yes. But I think it would make sense for those that do it to agree
on how to do it. We still have various variants.

Regards,	Martin.

Received on Monday, 6 October 1997 08:26:25 UTC