Re: DC with RDF Modeling Questions

Victor Lindesay wrote:
> Kurt and Thomas wrote:
>>No, use the full URI for the property.  You can define 
>>entities in a DTD 
>>to get an abbreviation:
>>	rdf:ID='&dc;title'
>>><rdf:Property rdf:ID="dc:title"/>          <--- Is 
>>'dc:title' OK to use
>>>this way????  Should I use an entity instead of the prefix????
>>Yes, use an entity as as above.  No QNames in attribute 
>>values, please.
> rdf:ID should be a NCName so this this still wrong.

Whoops, I overlooked the "ID" part!  You're right.  Just for 
completeness, the full URI (with a possible entity shorthand - 
&dc;title) is used in attribute values like rdf:about.  But rdf:ID is 
like an xml ID type (although without a DTD or schema it probably can't 
literally be one.  The Rec spells this out - the ID value is used in 
conjunction with an xml:base value to build an effective URI.  All such 
URIs are given a "#" sign between the base URI and the ID value. So if 
you want a slash instead of a hash you are out of luck.

I recall being bit by this in the past, and now I try to avoid using 
rdf:ID for these reasons.  Sorry for the erroneous response.


Tom P

Thomas B. Passin
Explorer's Guide to the Semantic Web (Manning Books)

Received on Wednesday, 21 July 2004 14:37:40 UTC