RE: DC with RDF Modeling Questions



Q3:  It seems to me that a part number is a version/edition/adaptation of an
engineering name, and thus it is reasonable to model the relationship with
dc:hasVersion, as in the following instance:


<EngineeringName rdf:about="12F/0100A">

       <dc:title> Body Control Module</dc:title>

      <dc:hasVersion> <rdf:Bag>  <rdf:li  PN1234 />  <rdf:li PN5678/>
</rdf:Bag></dc:hasVersion> </EngineeringName>


There are actually standard models for dealing with this idea. They work
along the lines of:


Figure 1 -  The concept of identification  






> -----Original Message-----

> From: [mailto:www-rdf-interest-

>] On Behalf Of

> Sent: 20 July 2004 17:07

> To:

> Cc:

> Subject: DC with RDF Modeling Questions



> I'm developing an RDF application, but I have some questions that I have

> not found in the W3C documentation, in case any kind soul feels like

> helping me.


> It is clear that I should re-use existing ontologies whenever possible.

> Thus, I am using some of the Dublin Core elements/refinements, e.g. I'm

> using dc:title to hold the primary info of a class called

> "EngineeringName"

> that I'm using to encode a list of existing corporate terms.


> Q1:  Should I still define any dc concepts in RDFS?  (I'm guessing 'yes',

> but it's not clear to me.)


> Q2:  Is the use of QNames ok in the value of an rdf:ID attribute, as with

> the following 'dc:title', where I also have the appropriate namespace

> assignment to the prefix?


> <rdf:Property rdf:ID="dc:title"/>          <--- Is 'dc:title' OK to use

> this way????  Should I use an entity instead of the prefix????

>      <rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#EngineeringName"/>

> </rdf:Property>


> Separate topic:


> Each engineering object, e.g. a body control module, gets realized in

> physical form as parts shipped from suppliers.  For a given engineering

> object, there may be more than one corresponding part number (e.g. PN 1234

> from supplier A and PN5678 from supplier B may both be functionally

> equivalent body control modules).  I want to have a pointer from the

> resource representing the engineering object to a bag of such part numbers

> that represent the physical realizations of that object.


> Q3:  It seems to me that a part number is a version/edition/adaptation of

> an engineering name, and thus it is reasonable to model the relationship

> with dc:hasVersion, as in the following instance:


> <EngineeringName rdf:about="12F/0100A">

>        <dc:title> Body Control Module</dc:title>

>       <dc:hasVersion> <rdf:Bag>  <rdf:li  PN1234 />  <rdf:li PN5678/>

> </rdf:Bag></dc:hasVersion>

> </EngineeringName>


> Does this appear reasonable/correct to you?


> Thanks, in advance.



> Kurt Godden

> GM Technical Fellow

> GM R&D, Warren, MI

> ph: 586-986-0445; em:


> "I distrust a research person who is always obviously busy on a task."

>    ---Robert A. Frosch, VP (retired), GM Research




Received on Wednesday, 21 July 2004 05:45:04 UTC