Re: n3/n-triples syntax question

> That worries me. [...] How does this work when you
> load fragments of RDF from two or more sources?

Well, let's take an example:-

_:x <#name> "Sean" .

(there is something which has the name "Sean") merged with another

_:x <#name> "Peter" .

(there is something which has the name "Peter") might produce
something like:-

_:x <#name> "Sean" .
_:x1 <#name> "Peter" .

It's really no big deal: if you have a collision, just rename the node
and any subsequent nodes. I found it extraordinarily easy to
implement, as I'm sure has anyone else that's written an NTriples

> Anyway, (at least half-seriously) why can't the authoring
> program annotate the anonymous node with a triple
> denoting the preferred label of the bNode within the
> authoring environment?

Why bother? Just take the current label to be the preferred label :-)

There are plenty of different ways that one could approach the task,
with varying levels of readability and processing to ensure that the
labels remain consistent with the input, but the only real conditions

* Do not merge nodes that do not have the same label (in the document)
* Do not merge any nodes in different documents, no matter what the

Both rules are a collorary to the fact that bNodes are scoped to the
document (input) in question.


Kindest Regards,
Sean B. Palmer
@prefix : <> .
:Sean :hasHomepage <> .

Received on Friday, 30 November 2001 17:36:39 UTC