Re: [www-rdf-interest] <none>

Hi Tarod,

At 19:38 19/11/2001 +0000, wrote:

>It's easy...
>Classes: Person, Document, Date
>Property: date(Domain:Person,Document, Range:Date)
>With the new Decision I must say that there is a Class (SomeClass) and
>Document and Person are subclasses of SomeClass (what logical name do you
>propose?) Otherwise I can't validate this document.

re name: DomainOfDateProperty.  So you can do it; this example does not 
show a loss of expressive power.

>Now I also have a property named color with domain(Person, Document, Pet
>(new Class)) and Range: Color. I must add another virtual class
>(name?????), sorry, that makes no sense for me.

In these examples, you do have to do more work, but you can achieve the 
effect you want, right?

When I asked for an example of where you thought you had lost expressive 
power, I was looking for something you could previously do, that you can't 
do now.

>By the way, could you give me an example of the benefits of the new

We've been through that already, haven't we.  I haven't been able to 
persuade you.  I'm not really expecting to be able to do so.  The reason 
for my original question was that if you had a compelling example of loss 
of important functionality, you might persuade me.


Received on Tuesday, 20 November 2001 12:39:49 UTC