Stanford API (Re:)


I am still committed to maintaining the API at I appreciate your offer
to help with bug fixing.

Currently, the W3C RDFCore WG (of which I am a member) is working
actively on clarifying and cleaning the RDF specification. There are
still several unresolved issues with respect to the data model and
syntax used in RDF. My current "lazy maintenance" policy is to avoid
introducing changes into the API that break existing applications. Once
the improved version of RDF stabilizes, I'm going to revamp the
implementation and, if necessary, adjust the interfaces.

As to parsing, you might want to consider using the ARP parser
( developed to complement Brian
McBride's Jena API. The ARP parser implements the
org.w3c.rdf.syntax.RDFParser interface and should be usable in the
Stanford API instead of SiRPAC in a straightforward way. ARP supports
several features missing in the SiRPAC parser like daml:collection. If
you like to use ARP and experience problems with bridging, please let me
know and I'll try to help.

As a final remark, Brian McBride are I are currently considering how to
make Jena and Stanford API interoperable. The time frame of this work is
partially dependent on the progress of the RDFCore WG.

Sergey wrote:
> ...
>   Finally I surfed in the code of rdf-api and I decided to modify it, now,
> it works more as refactoring explains, there are no containers, all
> rdf:Seq, rdf:Alt and rdf:Bag are read as typedNodes, and it seems to work,
> is anybody mantaining this api? I want to contribute with anybody that does
> it to help to improve this api.
>   Thanks,
>          Marc

Received on Friday, 2 November 2001 11:39:27 UTC