[www-rdf-interest] <none>

  last days I was having some problems parsing documents with rdf like

<RDF:Seq RDF:about="urn:one">
		<RDF:Seq RDF:about="urn:two">
		    <RDF:li RDF:resource="urn:three"/>

but there was no problems parsing

<a:A RDF:about="urn:one">
		<a:A RDF:about="urn:two">
		    <RDF:li RDF:resource="urn:three"/>

  so, I guessed you can have a typedNode inside another typed node but you
can't have a container inside in another container, if you want to use
SiRPAC to parse it, it fails. (The model and syntax allows it)

  Finally I surfed in the code of rdf-api and I decided to modify it, now,
it works more as refactoring explains, there are no containers, all
rdf:Seq, rdf:Alt and rdf:Bag are read as typedNodes, and it seems to work,
is anybody mantaining this api? I want to contribute with anybody that does
it to help to improve this api.


Received on Friday, 2 November 2001 10:02:53 UTC