Re: Trying to understand valid RDF [long]


On 1 Nov 2001, Ian Stuart wrote:

> On Thu, 2001-11-01 at 12:49, Dan Brickley wrote:
> >
> > try removing the parseType=Resource that comes immediately before the 2nd
> > rdf:Description
> Thanks for the quick reply...
> I have cut my test down to the following code:

>         <my:field my:name = "issn">0001-3072</my:field>

this was the problem, the rdf grammar doesn't like this mix of attributes
and content. In RDF, the my:name="issn" would have to map on to an
arc/value pair in the graph.  In RDF/XML, literal string values such as
'0001-3072' can't themselves have properties (such as name=issn). Yet it
seems from your example that you want to associate the 'issn' and the

I've reworked your first example slightly to support this. The code parses
and displays OK at and is I think
consistent with what you're aiming at. What I've done is make the
'001-3072' a property (I invented a name, my:content, rdf:value might be
a reasonable alternative) of the same resource as the name='issn'

--- reworked rdf/xml

<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?>

	xmlns:rdf = ""
	xmlns:dc = ""
	xmlns:my = "">

  <rdf:Description rdf:about = "">
    <dc:Title>Institute of Physics STACKS</dc:Title>
      <rdf:Description rdf:about="">
           my:attempted = "1"
           my:available = "1"
           my:result = "1"
           my:verified = "0" />
        <dc:Description>journal search</dc:Description>
	   my:name = "issn"
           my:content="0001-3072" />


--- hope this helps



Received on Thursday, 1 November 2001 08:50:20 UTC