www-rdf-dspace@w3.org from January 2004 by subject

Canadian eduSource project

Comments on "Dspace History System: Descriptive Note" of 2003 /May /14

Comments on "Dspace History System: Descriptive Note" of 2003/May /14

Comments on Section 3

Demo subset available

DSpace + updated history, Joseki on simile.mit.edu

Fwd: [DIGLIB] CFP: International Conference on Formal Ontology in Information Systems (2004.11.4-6: Torino, Italy)


HILT phase II project Report

Joining the SIMILE project

Loading Jena databases

Logistics for Thursday's 1100 EST / 1600 GMT meeting

Longwell custom browser prototype, RDQL and Joseki

Mac OS X build of Haystack

Notes from 2004-01-22 phone meeting

SIMILE browser, latest version of data

SIMILE PI Call, Thursday 8 Jan 11am EST

SIMILE PI phone conference, 15-Jan-04 1100 EDT/1600 BST

SIMILE PI phone conference, 22-Jan-04 1100 EDT/1600 BST

SIMILE PI phone conference, 29-Jan-04 1100 EDT/1600 BST

Last message date: Thursday, 29 January 2004 10:19:52 UTC