- From: Seaborne, Andy <Andy_Seaborne@hplb.hpl.hp.com>
- Date: Wed, 7 Jan 2004 12:15:50 -0000
- To: "Tansley, Robert" <robert.tansley@hp.com>
- Cc: haystack@MIT.EDU, " (www-rdf-dspace@w3.org)" <www-rdf-dspace@w3.org>
Rob, Great! Works from here! Could you add a "fetch" handler? The changes to the config file are below. Andy I found an item to test against: <dspace:item:1;270d443065ba236d1fe18d3f65e0cf29> Method 1 ======== In the Joseki distribution, there is a command remote query tool: joseki.rdfqueryremote: java -DsocksProxyHost=YourSocksServer -cp ... joseki.rdfqueryremote \ --model "http://simile.mit.edu:8080/rdfserver/DSpaceHistory" \ 'SELECT * WHERE (<dspace:item:1;270d443065ba236d1fe18d3f65e0cf29> , ?y, ?z)' This does the query, gets back the resultant subgraph of the original model, then formats it locally as Method 2 ======== Method 1 translates into a GET request of: http://simile.mit.edu:8080/rdfserver/DSpaceHistory?lang=RDQL&query=SELECT+%3 Fy%2C+%3Fz%0AWHERE+%28+%3Cdspace%3Aitem%3A1%3B270d443065ba236d1fe18d3f65e0cf 29%3E%2C+%3Fy%2C+%3Fz+%29%0A (Yes - that is all one URL) Doing the RDQL query on the results of this GET will yield the same results as method 1. This could be done with a "fetch" request - hence the request to add the handler. - - - - - - - - - - - Rob - could you add a "fetch" handler and some namespace definitions (not necessary - just tidies up the RDF results sent back) please? <http://server/DSpaceHistory> .... joseki:hasQueryOperation joseki:BindingFetchClosure ; joseki:namespacePrefix [ joseki:prefix "dc" ; joseki:nsURI <http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/> ] ; joseki:namespacePrefix [ joseki:prefix "dcterms" ; joseki:nsURI <http://purl.org/dc/terms/> ] ; joseki:namespacePrefix [ joseki:prefix "dsHist" ; joseki:nsURI <http://dspace.org/history/1.0#> ] ; joseki:namespacePrefix [ joseki:prefix "harmony" ; joseki:nsURI <http://metadata.net/harmony#> ] ; .... -------- Original Message -------- > From: Tansley, Robert <mailto:robert.tansley@hp.com> > Date: 6 January 2004 22:18 > > I've installed DSpace with the history system update and Joseki on > simile.mit.edu. It's all non-SSL for easy access to the Joseki data. > It hardly has any data in it -- I just set myself up as an admin, > created a community and collection, and submitted a simple item. > > The UI is http://simile.mit.edu:8080/dspace/ > > The Joseki server base URL is http://simile.mit.edu:8080/rdfserver > > The History data is available via the model: > http://simile.mit.edu:8080/rdfserver/DSpaceHistory > > It should be pretty easy to load the corpora using Mark's LoadDb class. > I can do it, or someone give me a mail and I'll sort you out with the > passwords/configs etc. > > Robert Tansley / Hewlett-Packard Laboratories / (+1) 617 551 7624
Received on Wednesday, 7 January 2004 07:25:08 UTC