SIMILE PI phone conference, 15-Jan-04 1100 EDT/1600 BST

SIMILE PI phone conference, 15-Jan-04 1100 EDT/1600 BST
866-639-4752 or +1-574-935-6705
PIN: 2536617


1. Review demonstration goals

2. Review project task list

   - round table on currently active tasks

   - review non-active tasks

(More details of these items are below)


Stage 1: Using subset of Artstor corpus, data in memory, demonstrate that we

1. view subset of Artstor data
2. view OCW data
3. use faceted browse on subset of Artstor data
4. use faceted browse on OCW data
5. query subset of Artstor data
6. query OCW data
7. do 1 & 2 together
8. do 3 & 4 together
9. do 5 & 6 together

Stage 2: Repeat stages 1 - 9 but for the full Artstor corpus with the data
in persistant database

Stage 3: Repeat stages 1 - 9 but for full Artstor corpus, retrieve data via


1 - Revising Artstor and OCW datasets (Mark)
Progress: OCW uses Perl and XSLT. Unfortunately getting Perl to work on my
machine took nearly a day so little progress.
1.1 - Add type information to OCW
1.2 - Adopt a common way of displaying names in both Artstor and OCW
1.3 - Work on custom browser has highlighted that some of the fields in
Artstor are hierarchical, need to change data model to reflect this and
update browser

2 - Displaying Artstor and OCW datasets in Haystack (Steve, Vineet, Mark)
Progress: Can display Artstor data in Haystack (see enclosed screenshot)
2.1 - Some issues about redraw speed in Haystack
2.2 - If you click on facet, then it no longer displays as a collection but
as a list of URIs
2.3 - want to be able to customise the fields in the facet navigator as some
contain technical metadata which we are excluding from the demo
2.4 - In Haystack, the faceted browser only identifies 984 items in the
collection, whereas the custom browser has 3046 - why is this?
2.5 - Haystack also needs to address the hierarchical fields issue, but it
is less obvious here as this detail is swamped due to the technical metadata
2.6 - Need to work on displaying OCW data, but this is waiting on the OCW

3 - Produce HTML front-end for Haystack (Steve)
Progress: Steve

4 - Custom browser (Mark)
Progress: Have made very good progress, now have a working prototype that
can browse Artstor data (see enclosed screenshot)
4.1 - Need to add paging for facets
4.2 - Need to add reordering of facets
4.3 - Need to add hierarchical grouping of facets, where appropriate
4.4 - Could add searching to facets
4.5 - Need to demonstrate OCW dataset in prototype
4.6 - Currently prototype uses lucene as a query engine. Need to switch to
using RDQL.
4.7 - Put prototype in CVS for team feedback

5 - CVS access for all team members (Mark)
Progress: Mark has arranged CVS access for all team members
5.1 - Need to reorganize CVS in a more intelligent manner, make proper build

6 - Haystack Joseki Integration (Vineet, David H, Steve)
"David H is gone till the end of the month. He managed to get the
integration working, except that there where bugs - some views displayed
properly while others gave errors. We do not know the nature of the bug, and
I have a feeling that Dennis wanted to look at it. I might look at it if I
manage to finish the other things before then, i.e. not before the last week
of this month." Vineet


7 - Haystack user testing
Identify several team members to do this. 

8 - Managing Haystack / SIMILE issue list
Identify someone to manage this issue list. 

9 - Identifying a subset of corpus for stage 1 demo
Identify someone to do this

10 - Making datasets available via Joseki
Two issues here: we need a process for doing this, as we will have to update
them, so need to make updates as simple as possible, and we need to do this
in a secure way.
Identify someone to work on this

11 - Custom browser user testing
Custom browser not yet finished, but when issues are resolved need to make
it available to team for user testing in the same way as Haystack. Also need
to manage issue list in a similar way. 

12 - Exploring data using Brownsauce or RDFNavigator
Proposed by Eric Miller

13 - Creating infrastructure at
Private email list, WIKI

Dr Mark H. Butler
Research Scientist                HP Labs Bristol

Received on Wednesday, 14 January 2004 14:48:46 UTC