SIMILE browser, latest version of data

Hi team

I have checked the simple SIMILE browser into the CVS. If you want to have a
go, check out the cvs, then go to simile/simileBrowser and type 'ant test'.
This builds the browser and a small set of test data. Then type 'run', and
point your browser at "http://localhost:8080/repository/servlet/Repository?"
and the browser will appear. It is slow to start up because currently it
loads the RDF from a file and it takes a while to parse it. 

The build file has a number of targets:

- 'ant all'

This rebuilds the entire Artstor and OCW datasets. This can take a while
i.e. around an hour.

- 'ant test'

Build the test data and the browser.

- 'any haystack-simile'

This rebuilds the entire Artstor and OCW datasets and copies them to

- 'ant small'

This just recompiles the servlet code.

I have revised the Artstor.xsl transformation so that it now organise topics
hierarchically as we discussed at the PI meeting last week e.g.

    <rdfs:label>Architecture: Site</rdfs:label>

This uses a property 'art:broaderTerm' which we may want to replace at some
point, but for the moment I'm looking at how to use the broaderTerm
relationships in the servlet UI.

I've also added type information to the OCW data, and its possible to view
both the OCW and Artstor data in the simple servlet.

Best regards

Mark Butler
Research Scientist HP Labs Bristol 

Received on Monday, 19 January 2004 13:15:31 UTC