Re: contents of a Collection


It's rdf:about.  The 11 November version of the Primer had rdf:resource; 
  this has been fixed in the LCC version of the Primer (dated 17 December).


PS:  As I said in a separate comment, the collection does *not* contain 
multiple <s:student>s;  s:students is the name of the relationship 
between the course and the collection.  The individual members of the 
collection do not have types defined in the example, and you shouldn't 
imagine that they somehow get types "automatically" due to their 
participation in the collection.

Garret Wilson wrote:

> The new grammar shows a Collection containing multiple 
> <rdf:Description>s, each idenfied by an rdf:about. The primer, though, 
> shows a Collecting containing multiple <s:student>s (no problem---that's 
> just a typed version of the previous), but each is identified using 
> rdf:resource. Which is it---rdf:about or rdf:resource?
> Garret

Frank Manola                   The MITRE Corporation
202 Burlington Road, MS A345   Bedford, MA 01730-1420       voice: 781-271-8147   FAX: 781-271-875

Received on Sunday, 12 January 2003 16:20:37 UTC