Re: RDF Semantics: presenting the definition of rdfs interpretations

Herman, would you find the following *substitution*  sufficient? It 
reads somewhat more naturally than the insertion of your sentence 
just before the table, which smacks of repetition.


>  >--------
>  >3.3 RDFS Interpretations
>  >
>>Although not strictly necessary, it is convenient to state the RDFS
>>semantics in terms of a new semantic construct, a 'class', i.e. a
>>resource which represents a set of things in the universe which all
>>have that class as the value of their rdf:type property. Classes are
>>defined to be things of type rdfs:Class, and the set of all classes
>>in an interpretation will be called IC. The semantic conditions are
>>stated in terms of a mapping ICEXT (for the Class Extension in I)
>  >from from *IC to the set of  subsets of IR*. The meanings of ICEXT 
>and IC in a
>  >rdf-interpretation of the RDFS vocabulary are completely defined by
>>the first two conditions in the table below. Notice that a class may
>>have an empty class extension; that (as noted earlier) two different
>>class entities could have the same class extension; and that the
>>class extension of rdfs:Class contains the class rdfs:Class.
>>An rdfs-interpretation of V is an rdf-interpretation I of (V union
>>rdfV union rdfsV) which satisfies the following semantic conditions
>>and all the triples in the subsequent table, called the RDFS
>>axiomatic triples.
>>x is in ICEXT(y) iff <x,y> is in IEXT(I(rdf:type))
>>IC = ICEXT(I(rdfs:Class))
>  >

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Received on Thursday, 17 April 2003 18:55:49 UTC