Re: RDF Semantics: RDFS entailment lemma

>I don't think the modification to rdfs7a is needed, though I do 
>agree the new rule is.


>I think your revised 7a can already be derived:
>[6]  xxx type Class
>[7]  Resource subClassOf yyy
>[8]  xxx subClass Resource          ([6],rdfs7a)
>      xxx subClassOf yyy             ([8],[7],rdfs8)

Ah.  Yes, I hadn't noticed that.  Thats what comes from trying to run 
a set of 12 rules in one's head late on a Sunday evening.

You know, someone ought to be able to make some kind of machine that 
would do this kind of thing *automatically*, I reckon, mayby using a 
whole lot of little gears and motors and stuff from Radio Shack. 
Might be able to make some money out of it, as well.


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Received on Monday, 14 April 2003 10:47:11 UTC