Re: RDF Issue: mime-types-for-rdf-docs


The adoption of the "application/rdf+xml" MIME type makes sense for general
RDF, just as "text/xml" makes sense for general XML.

There have been later recommendations that "+xml" be appended to MIME types
for specific applications of XML (as evident in the new RDF MIME type above
when RDF is serialized as XML). Has there been any thought of making a
similar recommendation ("application/...+rdf+xml") for specific
applications of RDF? For instance, this would
allow "application/pics+rdf+xml", "application/xpackage+rdf+xml",
and "application/annotea+rdf+xml".



> Andy,
> I hope this has gone to the right email address.
> In
> you raised an issue which was captured in
> as
> [[[
> Summary: Concern that the RDFS CR offers no guidance about the mime
> type to  be assigned to RDF Schema documents, or to RDF/XML files in
> general.
> ]]]
> As recorded in
> the RDFCore WG approved submission of an internet draft
> to begin the process of registering an RDF mime type.  The WG will
> maintain  an action on its action list to ensure the process is
> completed and has  decided to close this issue.
> Please could you respond to this message, copying
>  indicating whether this is an acceptable
> resolution of this issue.
> Brian McBride
> RDFCore co-chair

Received on Monday, 8 April 2002 12:05:24 UTC