Re: MathML Core authoring tools?

On 07/12/2022 17:45, Lorenzo Bertini wrote:
> I highly suggest adding LyX ( to the list. It is 
> an actively maintained document processor that can output in a variety 
> of formats, including HTML/Docbook/Epub with MathML math. I've been 
> authoring MathML ebooks for the longest time with it.
> Also, I think the "others" category should be renamed to "Document 
> processors".
> On a side note, I sometimes send patches for LyX about MathML output. 
> What would I need to do to make it MathML core compliant?

Thanks, for mentioning MathML support in LyX. Incidentally, I also 
experimented using custom convertors in LyX e.g.

As Deyan and Neil mentioned someone would have to do the work to check & 
update the stuff. But it's also a wiki, so people should also be able to 
update the stuff they are familiar with or reorganize sections...

Frédéric Wang

Received on Thursday, 8 December 2022 10:07:00 UTC