Translation of working draft "Specifying Language in XHTML and HTML Content"

Hi, when I emailed you before requesting to translate the working draft,
"Internationalization Best Practices: Specifying Language in XHTML & HTML 
I was told not to translate a working draft as such was subject to change;
then in another discussion someone mentioned that links to such translations 
were welcome through the email at the discussion list for the working draft.

So I do not know if that means that a translation is welcome or not;
I started a translation in any case,
but it is not at all finished:

(I've only translated the introduction and first three sections so far and 
they are in working-draft format still; you'll see as well that I've still 
got the English text left in, but highlighted in grey in case someone wants 
it side-by-side, but maybe the only person who needs that is me.
As I started translating I started wondering who on these lists did not read 
English anyway;
it is easier to read in a second language generally than it is to write in 
it, and English and French are not totally far apart.

But if anyone needs this translation for any reason, I've started it;
do not know if it needs to be finished at this point or if anyone else is 
interested in working on it too if it does need to be finished)

(I had a little bit of a comment on the language:
in my translation, maybe I got carried away in the French trying to 
translate the hesitancy in the English sections 1.2, 1.4:
but anyway, the English seemed kind of I could not put a finger on it really 
hesitant, but anyway, think it's clear;
there's maybe still a typo or two in the draft)

(I also had two more comments on this document; I was wondering if in 
section 3.1,
it might be best to add to the following,

"Metadata about the language of the intended audience is usually best 
declared outside the document in the HTTP Content-Language header, although 
there may be situations where an internal declaration using the meta element 
is appropriate."

a comment that it's worthwhile to make use of both declarations whenever 
it's possible.

In any case I don't feel I am a total expert in this area; hope this comment 
is helpful!

Also a question about "the natural language of the content"--what other 
languages are used in the content?  So this was really a question about 
wording; thought "natural" was redundant here.)


--C. E. Whitehead

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Received on Friday, 9 March 2007 19:09:35 UTC