Re: Three design-related (HTML or CSS) elements for your consideration

----- Original Message -----
From: "Philip TAYLOR [PC336/H-XP]" <P.Taylor@Rhul.Ac.Uk>
To: <>
Cc: "www-html" <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2003 3:02 PM
Subject: Re: Three design-related (HTML or CSS) elements for your

> Rob Larsen wrote:
> [snip]
> > To many people the way a site looks is actually of overriding
> > Treating people that think that way like second class citizens is
> > counter-productive."
> But those very same people are treating the blind and partially
> sighted as third-class citizens, never mind second-class; until
> those that think that "the way a site looks is actually of
> overriding importance" come to realise that what actually
> matters is whether the information that the site is trying
> to communicate is genuinely accessible to all, then the W3C
> (and I, as an ally in a least this regard) will continue their
> relentless campaign of educate, educate, educate ...

Sad but true. But just because they're clueless doesn't mean that you should
bludgeon them with their cluelessness or ignore the fact that treating them
like second class citizens really _is_ counter-productive. They're not
building accessible sites now, correct? If you treat them like second class
citizens and they shun the w3c and its efforts to the end of their days then
they're _still_ not going to be building accessible sites, are they? If, on
the other hand, people start to look at these wandering pilgrims coming out
form the dark and asking about something that concerns or interests them as
potential "customers" then things might change. Instead of smashing them
over the head with their own ignorance, people should get used to the idea
of truly selling the w3c's efforts. Very few people are going to just up and
see the inherent benefit of creating accessible sites. An enlightened few
who can do their own bit of selling (to their managers, etc.) The rest need


Received on Wednesday, 15 January 2003 15:28:21 UTC