RE: frames targeting FEATURE REQUEST

> From:	Nicole Goranko []
> I found this email address in "HTML 4.0 no experience required" text by E.
> Stephen Mack and Janan Platt.  I have a feature request for future
> versions
> of HTML with regards to frame targeting.  Here is an example of what I
> would
> like to be able to accomplish using HTML:
	Frames were deleted in the strict version of HTML 4.

	They should probably have been described as depecated, but
	this fact is only implicit in the DTDs.  In particular,
	using target= at all will get you a syntax error if you
	check against the strict DTD, or against XHTML DTDs (which
	are the future versions of HTML).

Received on Monday, 17 January 2000 11:24:35 UTC