frames targeting FEATURE REQUEST


I found this email address in "HTML 4.0 no experience required" text by E.
Stephen Mack and Janan Platt.  I have a feature request for future versions
of HTML with regards to frame targeting.  Here is an example of what I would
like to be able to accomplish using HTML:

A click of the link below would grab the href URL but would show it in the
specified frame ("main" in this case) of the frameURL's frameset (frameURL
is just an attribute name I made up for <a>).

Check out this <a href=""
frameURL="" target="main">REALLY

where the attribute "frameURL" specifies the Client's frameset and the old
"target" attribute specifically means the named frame in the Client's site
(if a "frameURL" value is included in the link, if no "frameURL is included
then the "target" attribute would act the way does as of HTML 4.0).

Please let me know what you think of this.  Are you aware of any other
requests for this or similar features?

Thanks for your time.


Nicole Goranko

Received on Monday, 17 January 2000 10:10:11 UTC