Re: FW: EOT-Lite File Format

Dave Crossland wrote:

>> An EOTL Recommendation that does not encourage
>> EOTC support with rootstrings ignored effectively
>> endorses the use of rootstrings as a UA-enforced
>> form of DRM.

> Right - when we say "EOTC files with rootstrings should be ignored" we
> mean that the FILE should be ignored - flushed, as John Hudson
> poetically calls it - and not merely the rootstring.

But that's not what Tom Lord means by 'ignored'. You and I agree, Dave, 
that fonts with rootstrings should be flushed, i.e. non-IE browsers 
should make no attempt to display them. What Tom is suggesting is 
reckless legal endangerment: ignore the rootstring and display the font 


Received on Monday, 3 August 2009 22:08:19 UTC