RE: Font MIME type (was RE: EOT-Lite File Format v.1.1)

On Friday, July 31, 2009 5:11 PM John Daggett wrote:
> > > We should probably register a MIME type for EOT-Lite (e.g.
> > > application/font-eotlite).
> >
> > I would like to inquire the group if you see any need to apply to
> > for a top-level MIME type registration for fonts. The same question
> > has been raised more than once in different organizations (in ISO/IEC
> > SC34 and SC29, in OpenType forum) and since the number of different
> > font formats and flavors (both current and historical) used by
> various
> > applications now exceed two dozens, it would make sense to consider
> > having "font/..." registered as a top-level MIME type (similar to
> > image/... and other MIME types).
> >
> > I know that in the past (circa 2003/2004) W3C Timed-Text group has
> > made an approach to do that, and it failed mostly due to the lack of
> > support; but the same issue has recently been discussed in both
> > ISO/IEC SC29 and SC34 subcommittees, and together with ISO and W3C on
> > board I believe we can submit a joint application and present a solid
> > case why the top-level "font/..." MIME type is needed.
> Adding a top-level MIME type for fonts makes the most sense to me but
> when we
> asked about this previously the answer was "this will take forever, if
> at all".  CC'ing Martin Duerst in case he has something to add.  The
> alternative is some form of "application/font-xxx" which would take
> less time.

Yes, I've heard similar things but maybe we can get their attention if we submit a joint ISO/IEC/W3C application. ISO/IEC SC29/WG11 already approved this, and if/when a joint team of editors is established, I was selected to be the one from SC29/WG11. I can contact the interested parties from SC34/WG2, and we can prepare and submit the application to IANA soon.
John, do you have any suggestions who should I ask to officially represent W3C? Could it be one of us or do we need someone from W3 Team?

Thank you,

Received on Friday, 31 July 2009 21:43:25 UTC