Re: A way forward

Sylvain Galineau wrote:

>> Er, what? EOT-Lite fonts cannot be used if a EULA specifies that
>> same-origin restrictions are required, since legacy versions of IE
>> won't enforce any form of same-origin restriction.  Are you saying
>> that's incorrect? Or that the example was incorrect?

> If the EULA requires same-origin restrictions, then Firefox is the only browser
> that can implement EOT-Lite and comply with this EULA in the very near term.

> And that's a problem for you why ?

It is also a licensing issue, not a format or implementation issue. 
Single-origin checking is something that font developers want and may 
indeed put into standard license agreements for web fonts. On the other 
hand, we are aware that it won't be backwards compatible, and if there 
are customers who have specific compatibility needs then custom licenses 
are possible. A license might even specify exceptions to the 
single-origin checking for specific browser versions. This is a decision 
font makers will need to consider from a business perspective.

John Hudson

Received on Friday, 24 July 2009 22:01:41 UTC