- From: Sylvain Galineau <sylvaing@microsoft.com>
- Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2009 21:59:19 +0000
- To: Thomas Lord <lord@emf.net>
- CC: Håkon Wium Lie <howcome@opera.com>, John Hudson <tiro@tiro.com>, www-font <www-font@w3.org>
> From: Thomas Lord [mailto:lord@emf.net] > Sent: Friday, July 24, 2009 2:41 PM > I suggest a different framing of the issue as two > questions: You and I can frame in different ways, it does not follow that others will follow you framing. > > (a) Does there exist some (any) reasonabler variation > of EOT-lite for which, if the other browsers implement that > support, the other browsers and existing versions > of IE will all do the same, useful thing? I have seen no evidence that there isn't. I am seeing concern over known IE interoperability bugs and I absolutely acknowledge authors will deal with them for some time. But as this concern is orthogonal to the underlying file format being served, I don't understand why it matters in assessing Ascender's proposal. Hakon can't both tell me our quirks will force him to emulate legacy behavior if he support EOT-Lite then suggest we implement raw TTF/OTF support as if the exact same constraint did not apply. If this were the real issue blocking adoption of EOT-Lite then no other proposal on the table will address it. Changing the file format does not fix IE parsing bugs and interop quirks. > > (b) Will restricted license type vendors agree to > license in that variant? That is also John's question and it is a fair one. That is up to font vendors to answer. At least one - Ascender - has committed publicly so far and even developed tooling. Authors have expressed interest on this list and others. A fair hearing is all I ask for. > If the answer to both questions is "yes" then > that is a strong argument for that variant of > EOT-lite. > > If the answers are (a) - yes and (b) - no > then that is a weaker but still positive argument > for that variant of EOT-lite. > > If the answer has (a) - no, then there is no > point to even considering any variant of EOT-lite. That's a fine argument. Note that all I oppose here is Hakon's latest argument against EOT-Lite. I find flat-out misleading, and quite possibly misinformed if not dishonest. But however wrong Hakon's latest shtick may be, it does not follow EOT-Lite can work in practice. If, as John pointed out, the font vendors' EULAs do require same-origin checks then IE can't comply. Which throws all potential interop benefits out of the window. Now *this* is an argument against EOT-Lite I can live with. Provided, of course, we have the evidence to call it. Claiming EOT-Lite is bad for the web because Opera's @font-face would have to match IE's behavior is plainly nonsensical. Or theater. I don't really know which.
Received on Friday, 24 July 2009 22:00:23 UTC