RE: Webfont compression

> From: [] On
> Behalf Of John Hudson

> I remain unconvinced that server-side compression is a sufficient
> answer
> to font compression, given that universal availability and ease of use
> don't seem to translate into universal application.

The use is a function of the content. As many resources are much smaller than a font file, and as many of the larger resources are already compressed (images, videos, executables) measuring use by navigating around the web may not yield clear-neough data allowing one to claim lack of usage, let alone why.

I don't understand your point though. I don't see why universal application - by whatever metric - for other content types should be a precondition for fonts. If we have universal availability - and I believe we do - then this can certainly be used. And if using it has a noticeable impact for web fonts - a resource type that is larger than average and uncompressed - it will be used.

This being said, a compressed file format is optimal. Compress the data once, never configure a server.

Received on Thursday, 23 July 2009 00:51:29 UTC