Re: .webfont Proposal

On Sun, Jul 12, 2009 at 3:33 PM, Christopher Fynn<> wrote:
> François REMY wrote:
>> I'm not sure we talk about the same thing, here. It's a file that explains
>> property of a font
>> to make data extraction more easy in Windows 7. It's not a font embedding
>> format.
>> At least, it's not how I see the things.
> No - but if there is going to be a meta data format for web-fonts it would
> be nice to ensure that it did not conflict with and maybe that it worked
> well together with whatever this Windows 7 font meta data format is. At
> least some of the information is bound to be he same.
> Anyway do you know where we can find the details of this MS font metadata
> file?

Without going into a bunch of detail (not sure if this is still under
NDA), the MS approach involves a single metadata file for all fonts,
with just a few very specific bits of data in it.

It really is a totally different animal, solving a different problem....



Received on Sunday, 12 July 2009 23:16:16 UTC