Re: The other party in all this

Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:

> For example, you could add in the font name, purchaser's name, and a
> unique serial number identifying the sale.  To prevent tampering, sign
> all of it with your private key.  Anyone can then verify the
> information with your public key (which you can even put into the font
> metadata next to all the other data), but they can't change it short
> of breaking the basis of all modern cryptography (and then you've got
> a lot more to worry about than people infringing on your copyright).

Some vendors are already adding such information to fonts, automatically 
at point of sale, and digitally signing the fonts. This is currently 
being done in private font tables, but a standard table might also be 
defined. There has also been some talk of methods for watermarking fonts 
à la images.


Received on Monday, 6 July 2009 04:26:17 UTC