Re: Fonts WG Charter feedback

Also sprach John Hudson:

 > But your comments imply that the only resistance to TTF/OTF linking is 
 > from Microsoft. In terms of browser makers, this may be the case, but 
 > there is also resistance to TTF/OTF linking from the makers, sellers and 
 > owners of fonts

Indeed, there are various kinds of resistance from font vendors. I
met many of them at Atypi in St Petersburg last year. Some object to
all forms of web-based distribution, some want strong DRM, some want a
token technical barrier, and some say that TTF/OTF will work fine
(given the right license terms).

Personally, I think that license terms is a better enforcer that
technical means, but I'm also open for a technical solution:


              Håkon Wium Lie                          CTO °þe®ª        

Received on Saturday, 4 July 2009 22:17:30 UTC