Re: Fonts WG Charter feedback

Also sprach Thomas Phinney:

 > > You can add this font to a website but do not combine fonts into a
 > > single archive or alter them in any way.

 > > [1]
 > Actually, that readme file clearly DOES allow EOT usage (see the
 > reference to WEFT). Clearly the author is not excited about the
 > wonderfulness of EOT, but he's fine with people using it on his fonts.

You're right that the FAQ makes a reference to WEFT:

  If you want to use one of my fonts as your main, text font you're
  pretty much out of luck unless you explore a font embedding tool
  such as WEFT but I don't recommend it.

This seems to contradict the license, but IANAL.

It doesn't solve the general problem, though; many fonts can freely be
used on the web, but cannot legally be altered.

Thus, linking to TT/OT allows for this rich resevoir of fonts to be
used on the web; other solutions don't.

              Håkon Wium Lie                          CTO °þe®ª        

Received on Friday, 3 July 2009 12:04:27 UTC