RE: Fonts WG Charter feedback

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Chris Wilson

>I've had one meeting with Ascender folks in the past few weeks - on June
>16th, I believe, 1-2PM PST.  I recall discussing their original proposal
>(which had been published the previous week), which I congratulated them
>on (I did not, to my recollection, have any idea they were going to be
>making that proposal); I asked them a few questions about how it would
>work, we shared our collective frustration at the other vendors not
>seeming to care about enabling commercial-quality fonts, and that was
>about it.  Sylvain may have a different, or expanded recollection of
>that meeting, or Simon Daniels may; personal issues have distracted me
>somewhat lately and I don't recall the meeting that particularly well.
>However, on two points I am fairly certain; Ascender did not suggest
>they were going to issue another proposal (compatible with EOT or not),
>and the Microsoft representatives present (myself, Sylvain, and Simon
>Daniels) did not ask them to or discuss such a possibility.  In fact, I
>seem to recall recognizing aloud during that meeting that the discussion
>on EOT had clearly passed beyond the boundary of the Law of Fail
>(, much to my
>I do not believe I have had any further discussion with Ascender prior
>to their public announcement of their second proposal, including any
>prior notice that they planned to propose such a thing.  I was a bit
>surprised, though encouraged that someone had been paying attention to
>the challenge of adoption curves and was trying to be creative about
>utilizing IE's EOT as a springboard.  It's possible I mentioned the
>adoption curve problem at the previous meeting - it's been part of
>several recent presentations I've given, including the one I gave last
>week at @media2009.
>Obviously, I am not privy to any communication that Ascender might have
>had to any of the other 80000+ Microsoft employees, including Sylvain
>and Simon, but I likewise do not know of any such communication
>concerning the second proposal.  Was that sufficient, or did you have a
>more specific statement or question?

My recollections match yours. I had no idea this second proposal was coming either.

Received on Thursday, 2 July 2009 23:11:46 UTC