[Bug 18780] Fix event dispatching for shadow DOM and <iframe seamless>
[Bug 21066] Provide an event path API
[Bug 27323] MouseEvent isn't defined in the UI Events spec
[Bug 27481] "The nodeType attribute must return the type of ..."
[Bug 27887] "Mutation method macro" should handle empty nodes
[Bug 28061] Description of before/after/replace only mentions single node
[Bug 28330] replace a child with node gets mutation record wrong when node is a DocumentFragment
[Bug 28455] New: Add a method to add a one-time event listener
[Bug 28548] Broken link in spec
[Bug 28548] New: Broken link in spec
[Bug 28720] New: Interop: browsers already handle duplicate "fake" xmlns declarations during XML serialization
[DOM3Events/UIEvents] simple 'refresh' event?
[DOM3Events] InputDevice API sketch
[dom] Attribute lowercasing does not appear to match browsers or web-platform-tests
[dom] Attributes need case-insensitive matching on getting
[dom] Cleanup "equals" usage
[dom] cloneNode underspecified for attribute copying
[dom] Consider DOMTokenList#replace
[dom] Consider new method: getNodesByType
[dom] createDocument link is broken
[dom] Header is all wrong
[dom] High resolution timing for events
[dom] insert/remove hooks need to be invoked for ancestor changes too
[dom] Is the NodeList interface being deprecated?
[dom] matches, querySelector, etc. shouldn't throw on an unrecognized selector
[dom] Proposal: Node#appendSibling/prependSibling
[dom] Pull Request: `document.importNode` and `document.adoptNode` should throw exceptions when acting upon ShadowRoots
[dom] Pull Request: Add [TreatNullAs=EmptyString] to Attr.nodeValue/textContent
[dom] Pull Request: Add a common conjugation of "case-sensitive"
[dom] Pull Request: Add hint that `event.bubbles` is configurable.
[dom] Pull Request: Bikeshed-related fixes
[dom] Pull Request: Convert to Bikeshed.
[dom] Pull Request: Export all the terms in the spec, and fix a few definitions/autolinks
[dom] Pull Request: Fix another NodeIterator removing step
[dom] Pull Request: Fix NodeIterator removing step
[dom] Pull Request: Less ambiguous step description for Node.before
[dom] Pull Request: Remove unnecessary conditions from the 'traverse children' algorithm.
[dom] Question about references after Bikeshed conversion
[dom] Rewrite replaceWith/before/after algorithms
[dom] Several references are now wrong after Bikeshed conversion
[dom] Some Conformance section stuff is duplicated
[dom] Syntax-highlight code blocks
[dom] The mutation method macro has undefined behavior when nodes is empty
[dom] Too many protocol-relative URLs
[dom] {{ }}s are showing up in the output
GitHub notifications
Minutes of today's UI Events call
Multiple pointer events on multi-touch trackpads
- Mitar (Wednesday, 13 May)
REMINDER: WG Decision: Return DOM4 to Last Call
Review of DOM Living Standard — Last Updated 20 June 2015
RfC: Last Call Working Draft of DOM4; review deadline May 19
Typo at http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Events/events.html#Events-flow-capture
UI Events - Mouse Events and iframe targetting
UI Events reunion tour?
Last message date: Tuesday, 30 June 2015 20:41:28 UTC