Re: REMINDER: WG Decision: Return DOM4 to Last Call

On 5/13/15 10:18 AM, Paul Cotton wrote:
> As stated in the Last Call WD, the HTML WG plans to take this
> specification directly to Proposed Recommendation status when the Last
> Call review is completed.

Wait.  How does that work?  This draft contains things that not only 
don't have two interoperable implementations but have no implementations 
at all, as far as I can tell (e.g. ParentNode.query).

What's the current state of the test suite and UAs passing it?  The 
draft talks about this being a requirement for entering PR (in the usual 
way), but I simply don't see how that's possible at the moment given the 
obvious lack of implementations mentioned above.  I wasn't sure pointing 
this out needed explicit last call comments, but maybe it does.

And, of course, there are the remaining open issues that are called out 
in the draft (Document stuff and createElement issues) and for which it 
also didn't seem like additional last call comments were needed since 
the issues are longstanding and well-known.


Received on Wednesday, 13 May 2015 14:53:31 UTC