[DOM3Events/UIEvents] simple 'refresh' event?

Chrome on Android now has built-in "pull to refresh" UI
to make it easy to refresh the current page (when there isn't space for a
dedicated top-level reload button).  This UI decision is controversial, but
I'm not involved in that part so I'd prefer to take that as a given for
this thread.

Given that such UI exists, I feel it really should be extensible
<https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=465423>.  "Pull to
refresh" has a softer update expectation than a hard "reload" button.  For
many sites the default 'refresh' action should be smarter than page
reload.  So far our guidance has been to disable/override our UI (eg.
consuming the touch events, or disabling document scrolling) and replace it
with your own.  In fact sites with existing pull-to-refresh UI (eg.
twitter.com) already do that and so weren't affected by the introduction of
the feature in Chrome.  However it's not unreasonable for a site to want to
depend on a browser's built-in refresh UI (eg. for consistency).

So I propose adding a new simple UI event:
Type: refresh
Interface: UIEvent
Sync / Async: Sync
Bubbles: No
Cancelable: Yes
Default Action: reload the page

It would of course be up to the user agent to decide what UI (if any)
triggers this "refresh" behavior versus a non-interceptable "reload".  For
Chrome, I suspect we wouldn't wire up the reload button to this (at least
not right away), but perhaps we could for better consistency across
platforms (we already have Ctrl-Reload to force a hard reload).

Are there any other use cases that might take advantage of such a 'refresh'


Received on Monday, 27 April 2015 20:56:50 UTC