Re: What is the status of window object and such?

> From: "Brad Pettit" <>
> The AbstractView object is accessible through the
> document, and the document is accessible through an
> AbstractView.

1) Agreed, though this text in the definition obscures what exactly a View is:

A document may have one or more "views" associated with it, e.g., a computed view on a document after applying a CSS stylesheet

Try to mend this with:

There is at most one viewport per canvas, but user agents may render to more than one canvas (i.e., provide different views of the same document).

What then is a "View?" Does this mean there is in fact a Document, a connected set of Canvases, and for each Canvas an AbstractView and DocumentView? If so - where is the definition of Canvas?

2) This is stating the obvious but AbstractView has no definition besides its relationship to DocumentView (meaning basically, it is a sibling to Document). If AbstractView in fact represents the window object, shouldn't there be a "View" (presumably the implementation of "Abstract"View) and some properties underneath it, such as height and width?

-Chris "SoopahMan" Moschini

Received on Wednesday, 23 July 2003 14:48:30 UTC