RE: What is the status of window object and such?

I don't intend to state the obvious, but since it's not being mentioned
in your message:

The AbstractView object is accessible through the document, and the
document is accessible through an AbstractView.

Every event has a view object associated as well.

--Brad Pettit

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf
Of Chris Moschini
Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2003 9:24 AM
Subject: RE: What is the status of window object and such?

I think what actually needs to be done is some containing standard needs
to be developed to standardize the window object - perhaps the "Viewport
Object Model." It's proper that the window object is not entirely
addressed by the DOM (though it is erroneously, in my opinion, addressed
by the DOMHTMLHTMLElement in places). The DOM is for documents, and the
document does begin at the HTML element.

But the window object exists in all cases - there is always some User
Agent presenting the document - and W3C text often refers to "The
Viewport" and its "Canvases." A Spec ought to be written to nail down
exactly what these are.

As it stands now many methods and properties belong in the window
object, but without a Viewport OM the W3C is unable to specify them.
Further, in the case of framesets (which are defined by the W3C), each
Frame really ought to be an object that inherits from Viewport
(resolving a lot of inconsistencies) rather than the long list of
exceptions required today.

-Chris "SoopahMan" Moschini

Received on Wednesday, 23 July 2003 14:02:35 UTC