Re: Survey of list on the Unified Social XG Charter (Feedback

On 27 Feb 2009, at 14:33, Harry Halpin wrote:

> Please do send comments ASAP, I have been waiting 24 hours for  
> comments
> before sending out in the interest of being polite. However, given the
> telecon time is approaching, I do not want to wait anymore.

Q1 - please split into two questions as there is a mixture of points  
trying to be addressed here. This questions should ask, "if there was  
multiple task forces, which group would you primarily be interested in"
(and remove the second bullet point). Then Q15 should be moved as the  
next question (or even the first question).

Q3 - the Yes/No answer does not match the question. Answers should be  
"single teleconf" and "multiple teleconfs" and "single list" and  
"multiple lists" - and they need to be check boxes.
(also remove the last sentence as that is an opinion)

Q14 - the Yes/No answer does not match the question. Answers should be  
"Edit the original smaller charter" and "Edit the new larger charter"

Cheers...  Renato Iannella

Received on Friday, 27 February 2009 05:19:47 UTC