Re: [whatwg] Creative Commons Rights Expression Language

Bonner, Matt wrote:
>> Not at all what we're doing. A lot of the data will be in HTML to
>> begin with.
> Such as?

cc:attributionName, cc:attributionURL, dc:title, dc:type, dc:date, ....

Think of a paper listed at a scientific journal. All of this information
is on the web page in HTML, we're just proposing that they add the metadata.

> Again, I'm confused. The ccREL Submission proposes XMP for PDF and
> other media types (section 6).

Yes, that's correct, if you can do it with XMP for media files, go for
it, that's our recommendation. But if that data is going to be in the
HTML anyways (e.g. an abstract page for a scientific paper), then RDFa
also applies.

In general, the tools for XMP are quite a bit harder to use than those
for HTML.

> Why would the average user understand better how to put ccREL data in 
> HTML pages than elsewhere?

Because we hand them a chunk of HTML they can copy-and-paste into their
HTML page, blog post, MySpace page, etc.. Much easier than anything I
know of for media files.


Received on Saturday, 23 August 2008 00:29:30 UTC