SPARQL query to calendar Re: - failed attempt of using it

Le 26 nov. 2006 à 03:14, Dan Connolly a écrit :
> On Nov 24, 2006, at 3:34 AM, Karl Dubost wrote:
> [...]
>>     from __future__ import generators
>> SyntaxError: from __future__ imports must occur at the beginning  
>> of the file
> I've seen symptoms like that reported in public-cwm-talk when using
> swap with python 2.5; I think somebody sent a patch.
> 0003.html

Ah thanks I will try it!
Today if I have a bit of bandwidth.

>> I gave up. Do you have any ideas to improve it?
>> I was thinking about writing in the comments of the program a link  
>> to a Web page with all the required dependencies.
> You found all the required dependencies.
> Is the public-cwm-talk mailing list hard to find? I wonder why you
> didn't send your message there, and/or www-rdf-calendar.

hmm good question.
I used this program because dom recommended it, so my starting point  
is a mail. And inside the program comment, there's nothing which says  
send your feedback to public-cwm-talk or www-rdf-calendar.
I also thought, should I send to www-rdf-calendar, but in a second  
thought, I decided not thinking it will be too much hackery for a  
discussion list. Maybe I should have.

I guess we more awareness ahead in the code or/and the pages  
explaining the project that would help to get the feedback where you  
would like to do so.

Apologizes for any troubles.

> What is it that you're trying to do?

A bit more context, it is for my review work on specification.

-> SPARQL request on tr.rdf
    curl -o lastcall.rdf '…SPARL  

         #  SPARQL query for Deadline on Last Calls
         PREFIX rec: <>
         PREFIX dc: <>
         PREFIX cal: <>

         CONSTRUCT {[] a cal:Vcalendar; cal:component [a cal:Vtodo;
         cal:summary ?title; cal:dtstart ?deadline]}
         FROM  <>
         WHERE {
         ?LastCall dc:title ?title .
         ?LastCall rec:lastCallFeedBackDue ?deadline .}
         ORDER BY ?deadline

-> lastcall.rdf to lastcall.ics
    python lastcall.rdf > lastcall.ics

So I get a calendar of every Last Call Deadlines, which helps me to  
track which ones are urgent to review and I might not have done.

Probably, I should also create my own rdf file with what I have  
reviewed, but I'm not sure where to start yet.

Karl Dubost -
W3C Conformance Manager, QA Activity Lead
   QA Weblog -
      *** Be Strict To Be Cool ***

Received on Sunday, 26 November 2006 23:07:47 UTC