RE: test doc update

> yes, time doen't permit very much

I'm getting there.
Thanks for the ref suggestions.

I think the descriptions of your test cases can be improved.
At the moment, the description is essentially echoing the test as triples.

How about:

owl:intersectionOf 001

The order of the classes in an <code>intersectionOf</code>
construct is unimportant.

(that understates the amount of time we have spent on that problem!)
I notice that your test uses only the weak semantics - more of that on the
mailing list and at the f2f. We will need to have also a strong semantics
test, and show a decision, which I suspect will be for the entailment.

owl:maxCardinality 001

A <code>prop</code> with <code>maxCardinality</code> of two cannot take
three distinct values on some <code>sb1</code>.

owl:maxCardinality 002

A <code>prop</code> with <code>maxCardinality</code> of two cannot take
three distinct values on some <code>sb1</code>.
In this example, one of the three values is implicit.

owl:TransitiveProperty 001
A simple illustration of transitivity.

owl:unionOf 001
A union is a superclass of its parts.

owl:unionOf 002
<code>owl:unionOf</code> behaves quite like set theoretic union.

Justification, we will need test cases that illustrate any divergence from
e.g. a strong semantics one, where we comment on which semantics are being

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I expect to have final draft to you for your approval this morning.
Assuming you can OK it at the RDF Core telecon.


Received on Friday, 27 September 2002 05:03:11 UTC