RE: test doc update

Hi Jeremy,

> here's my latest

after I just replied that the attachment was probably
not what you intended, I was able to get the here attached
document from my local server after w3ccvs checkout
(wonderful, isn't it that Web)

> lots more tests in it.

well, I haven't found them in there
but I guess that's easy to fix

> I've tidied them up: the remaining "wrong descriptions" errors are a
> software bug to do with XML Literals in my code.
> I've added some text which I hope meets your incomplete reasoner
> requirement.

that's definitely meeting what I intended
or it's a positve entailment ;-)

> I've added Manifest description section.

looks fine to me

> References looking OK

what about filling the "Missing ref."s with
[RDF Test Cases]

[Dublin Core]

     Notation3 Primer - a quick introduction to semantic web using cwm and
     Tim Berners-Lee, Dan Connolly

or w.r.t. to OWL pointing to

> Other text is unchanged.
> I need to add an acknowledgement to my host here in Italy.

good idea

> Time permitting I will add the range examples that came up under issue
> Again, I've checked stuff in, but not updated my server.

right, I had to read that more carefully

> Time permitting I wish to revisit the descriptions of the approved
> (Inverse)?Functional tests to take on board Peter's semantic/syntax

yes, time doen't permit very much

-- ,
Jos De Roo, AGFA

(See attached file: main.jsp.html)

Received on Thursday, 26 September 2002 18:18:32 UTC