Re: Added resolution to issue 320

+1, looks good to me.


On Tuesday, Sep 3, 2002, at 20:54 US/Eastern, wrote:

> I think this is close, but have a few quibbles both in terms of 
> editorial
> style and content.
> <latest>
> SOAP fault codes are intended for use by software to provide an
> algorithmic mechanism for identifying the fault. SOAP fault codes are
> organized as a linked list of XML qualified names allowing a SOAP node 
> to
> identify the fault category at an increasing level of detail of the 
> fault.
> ...2 paras follow...
> </latest>
> <proposed>
> SOAP fault codes are XML qualified names, and are intended to provide a
> means by which faults are rigorously classified.   A hierarchical list 
> of
> SOAP codes and associated supporting information is included in every 
> fault message, with each such code identifying the fault category at an
> increasing level of detail.
> (..remaining 2 paras unchanged...)
> </proposed>
> Reasons for above suggestions:
> * I don't think that what's going on is really 'algorithmic', and it's 
> not
> clear to me that it's only software that gets to do the identifying.
> * I'm not sure it's better, but I used the word "classified" rather 
> than
> "identified" in the first para.  I think "identified" could be taken in
> the sense of identifying one soap fault message vs. another, and that's
> not what we mean here.   The codes exist even before they are used, and
> the same code is applied to many separate instances of faults (two
> separate messages, each using in illegal encoding.)  So, I went with
> classified.  Note that where I retained "identifying" it clearly says
> identifying a category, which I think is correct.
> * I don't think the lists are linked, in the traditional data 
> structures
> sense.  I'm used to seeing the term "linked" list applied to structures
> connected by pointers, as distinct from array-based, etc. lists.
> * I'm not 100% set on the word "rigorously", but I think it's OK, and
> closer to the mark than algorithmic.
> What do you all think?  Worth changing?  Further refinements?
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> Noah Mendelsohn                              Voice: 1-617-693-4036
> IBM Corporation                                Fax: 1-617-693-8676
> One Rogers Street
> Cambridge, MA 02142
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
Marc Hadley <>
XML Technology Center, Sun Microsystems.

Received on Wednesday, 4 September 2002 09:00:58 UTC