Re: Amaya and the w3 home page

> The redesign of the W3 home page is giving us
> lots of opportunities to test Amaya 3.1 
> (maybe for the last time as the new version nears)

This is also the opportunity to test Amaya 3.2

> [1] At the bottom of the w3 page is a search box but
> this isn't being rendered nicely (at least on windows 98)

This is fixed in 3.2

> [2] The w3 page has ONE accesskey accessibility code
> that works using ALT<key> in MSIE.   What is the correct
> keyboard sequence to use and does Amaya accept it.

Access-keys are still not interpreted by Amaya

> Actually the w3 pages are quite well done.  Wish more
> 'professional' web page writers across the U.S. 
> would use them to get advice on how to write
> syntactically correct sites.
> John Russell, VE3LL@RAC.CA
> Mystery readers may want to click on DOROTHYL


Received on Wednesday, 5 July 2000 04:56:43 UTC