Amaya and the w3 home page

The redesign of the W3 home page is giving us
lots of opportunities to test Amaya 3.1 
(maybe for the last time as the new version nears)

[1] At the bottom of the w3 page is a search box but
this isn't being rendered nicely (at least on windows 98)

[2] The w3 page has ONE accesskey accessibility code
that works using ALT<key> in MSIE.   What is the correct
keyboard sequence to use and does Amaya accept it.

Actually the w3 pages are quite well done.  Wish more
'professional' web page writers across the U.S. 
would use them to get advice on how to write
syntactically correct sites.

John Russell, VE3LL@RAC.CA
Mystery readers may want to click on DOROTHYL

Received on Monday, 3 July 2000 09:40:17 UTC