Amaya printing with smaller fonts


is it possible to influence the font size(s) used in Amaya for the File/Print
command, e.g. through CSS rules? Could it be done through a default file
similar to $Home/.amaya.css or does it need to be done by adding in each
document a <link> tag such as the following?

  <link media="print" rel="stylesheet" href="xxx.css" type="text/css">

The file xxx.css would contain:

  H1 {font-size: ...}
  H2 {font-size: ...}

B.t.w., I LOVE the possibility to print the table of links

Thanks for your help,

Bertrand Ibrahim.
My PGP public key is in my WWW home page.
Its fingerprint is 27 F8 E6 45 76 C4 E4 90 C5 83 2A 14 20 CC 7D FC

Received on Tuesday, 29 September 1998 12:12:40 UTC