www-amaya-dev@w3.org from January 2002 by subject

Attribute (tabindex) Bug

Attribute Modification Bug

Bug in XmlThot.xml in CVS \doc

Bug opening file

Bug Report I18 Display

Bug Tracking Suggestion

Bug/Feature Request


Compile with GNU

Compressing executable

Control Keys inserting characters/Screen Flicker

Cosmetic Bug

Could we use the ICU of IBM for convert the "unicode". http://oss.software.ibm.com/icu.

CSS Edit Bug

CSS highlight bug

CSS Source Edit Bug

CVS Amaya changes

CVS Compiling with GCC/Mingw

CVS I18N Compile OK in win2000! How to convert tables available GB2312 -> UTF-16 or UTF-16 -> GB2312?

CVS update broken

Document Properties Bug/Request

END key and inline element at end of line bug

Enhancement - Table Rendering

Feature Request

Generated and Error when Validated

getting a 404 Re: link suggestion

Graphic to Source Link bug

H2 + HOME = F2 (this isn't gibberish) bug

Highlight and Replace Bug

Highlighting Bug

Insert special character bug

link suggestion

List bug

Mac OS X/Fink query

missing CSS interpretation

MML Bug (I think)

MML Structure View Bug

New recreatable extra whitespace bug


Point and Select Bug (Tables)

problem during gmake all

Recreateable Bug Found

Search and Replace Bug

Search and Replace Bug 2

Space in doctype grows


supporting "GB2312"

tabindex attribute bug (more info)

table + background-color bugs

Table Bug

Table Select and Replace Bug 2 (not selecting element)

Table select and replace bug and undo bug

text-align support

title attribute problem on Amaya site

Typing Bug

Unsupported MIME type bug

Vertical Scroll Bar Bug (Regular View)

Web Site Broken Links

Last message date: Thursday, 31 January 2002 09:11:21 UTC