Re: Plugins

Hi Brant,

there is plugin code that used to run in an early version of Amaya. It was
dropped from the development branch becuase it interfered with other stuff
and was not being maintained.

If anyone wants to embark on a major project with Amaya, this is something
that has repeatedly been requested.

Anyone doing so should (in my opinion) also look at the requirements document
recently produced by a group of people interested in establishing a
well-standardised interface - "Component Extension (CX) API requirements
Version 1.0"

As far as I understand it, this would involve a major refactoring of the
code, but enabling the use of modules as required, and a simple addition of
them, would be a cool trick. Doing all this in an editor (or at least
maintaing the ability to edit in XML modules) would be a very cool trick



On Sun, 6 Jan 2002, Brant Langer Gurganus wrote:

  I am not sure if this is already implemented, but I think a plugin style
  system would help in Amaya or any new Amaya-type project.  You could provide
  a core and individuals could add plugins for what they need.  This would
  result in smaller download sizes.  You don't download HTML 3.2 functionality
  if you don't need it.  It would also be easier to maintain as you would only
  need to download the part that has been changed.  I am sure this probably
  will never happen, but it is a suggestion nonetheless.
  Brant Langer Gurganus
  "The Computer Guru"


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