Re: Definitions: impairment, disability and handicap

Wendy A Chisholm wrote:
> Ian,
> Where does the WAI currently define these?  I've not found anything in 
> the glossaries of the expected places (ATAG, WCAG, UAAG, "How PWD Use 
> the Web").

We don't define impairment, disability, or handicap. Instead,
we talk about "accessible: can be used by a person with a 
disability" and we talk about different disabilities.

There was resistance to adopting definitions that were
based in medical terms, I believe.

  _ Ian

> --w
> At 08:08 AM 6/20/02, Ian B. Jacobs wrote:
>> Katie Haritos-Shea wrote:
>>> As discussed back in Nov 2001 by Emmanuelle GutiƩrrez y Restrepo, and
>>> Lisa Seeman.........I also feel that we should be using the World Health
>>> Organization's definitions for these terms.
>>> I will be including them in the WAI Glossary as such, unless further
>>> discussion warrants a change.
>> Hi Katie,
>> We discussed these definitions a long time ago in the UAWG
>> and I think the WAI CG preferred that we not use them in
>> the WAI Guidelines. This was discussed by the WAI CG
>> in December 1999, and I believe that it was preferred
>> that we keep the WAI definitions.
>> You might want to get the WAI CG to re-issue their
>> opinion.
>>  - Ian
>>> As defined by the World Health Organization (WHO)
>>> 1.  impairment refers to an abnormality of body structure, 
>>> appearance, organ and system
>>> functioning.
>>> (Impairments are problems in body function or structure such as a
>>> significant deviation or loss)
>>> 2. disability is the consequence of an impairment in functional 
>>> performance and
>>> activity
>>> 3. handicap is the consequence which is reflected in interaction 
>>> with, and
>>> adaptation to, the surroundings
>>> Katie Haritos-Shea
>>> Internet/Software/Device Accessibility and Standards
>>> Strategist/Developer/Evangelist
>>> #571-220-7777
>>> "The best and most beautiful things in the world
>>>      cannot be seen or even touched.
>>>     They must be felt with the heart."
>>>                 - Helen Keller
>> -- 
>> Ian Jacobs (
>> Tel:                     +1 718 260-9447

Ian Jacobs (
Tel:                     +1 718 260-9447

Received on Thursday, 20 June 2002 10:25:10 UTC